
Ahmad Abbani

Web Developer

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Beirut, Lebanon.

Who am i

I'm a Web developer who loves learning and keeping up with the latest trends. I enjoy taking on new challenges, paying attention to details, and adding a creative touch to everything I work on. I'm a developer who's always working to get better at what I do. I bring that excitement to every coding project, aiming to improve and learn along the way. Proficient in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React, and with a good knowledge of databases such as MySQL, Firebase, and MongoDB, I’m also adept at using various plugins and libraries with React and JavaScript for modern and better performance. I have a solid foundation in web development and embrace the opportunities it brings to create dynamic and efficient user interfaces.




Bring your ideas to life with my creative web design services. I can design a unique website from scratch and create eye-catching logos that represent your business.


I transform ideas into code with my web development skills. Whether it's showcasing your products, blogs, portfolios, or any other business need, I can turn your design into a dynamic website, ensuring your online presence stands out.


Making your site look great on any screen—phone, tablet, or desktop. Our design ensures a seamless experience, adapting effortlessly to different screens for maximum visual appeal and user satisfaction.


I'm here for you 24/7. Any questions or support you need, I've got your back. Consider me your reliable partner in navigating the digital landscape.



Bootstrap/Chakra UI


React / Next js





Netflix Clone React + Firebase

This project is a Single Page Application (SPA) Netflix clone built using React and Firebase. It features comprehensive user authentication using Firebase Authentication, enabling users to sign up, sign in, and choose a Netflix plan. The application utilizes Firebase Firestore as the backend database for storing user account information securely. Additionally, it incorporates React form validation to ensure data integrity and enhance user experience.

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React+Firebase social media

The application features a robust authentication system, enabling users to register and log in securely. This system is built using Firebase’s authentication services, ensuring the security and integrity of user data. The application also includes protected routes, ensuring that only authenticated users can access certain parts of the application. The application leverages Firebase Firestore, a real-time NoSQL database, for data storage and retrieval. This allows for the creation of new user accounts and the ability to log in existing users. The real-time capabilities of Firestore enable instant updates across all active clients, enhancing the interactivity of the application. The application is designed using Chakra UI, a simple, modular, and accessible component library.

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React-Architecture website

The “React Architecture Website” is a sleek, user-friendly platform built with React. It’s a Single Page Application (SPA) with a modern layout, featuring dynamic galleries powered by Swiper. The site optimizes performance using React Lazy Load for images. Users can explore a variety of architectural projects from different categories, with detailed insights into each project. It’s a testament to the power and flexibility of modern web technologies.

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Full Stack Management System

It’s built with robust authentication mechanisms, allowing secure login as an admin or employee using tokens and JWT. To ensure privacy and safety, the system also incorporates password hashing techniques, further enhancing the security of user data. The system is connected to a MySQL database on the server side. It allows adding, retrieving, and deleting information from the database seamlessly. The system also has the capability to create email users and reset passwords. The platform features separate login pages for admins and employees. Admins have the ability to create new users and employees, edit information, delete, and search for employees using information from the database. A modern dashboard displays various information from the database, such as salaries, employee categories, and more. The technologies used in this project include React on the client side, Node.js with the Express framework on the server side, and MySQL for the backend.

To be deployed soon!

Advanced React E-Commerce Shop

Enjoy easy shopping with our online store, powered by TypeScript and React. You can look through various product categories, read about each product in detail, and add items to your cart without any hassle. Adjust the number of items or remove them as you wish, and keep an eye on your total cost. Plus, you can search for specific products and use filters to sort by price and customer ratings, making your shopping experience even more convenient.

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Responsive E-Commerce: Simple Product Gallery and shopping cart

This is a straightforward e-commerce website featuring a product gallery with an interactive Bootstrap modal for image enlargement. Users can easily manage their shopping cart by adding, increasing/decreasing quantities, and removing items. The design is responsive, ensuring a visually pleasing experience on mobile screens.

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News homepage

Streamlined News Hub: Simple, Appealing Design for Seamless Reading Across Devices! experience a user-friendly interface that ensures effortless navigation. Dive into a curated collection of news categories, tailored to cater to diverse interests.

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Loopstudios landing page

Dive into LoopStudios' enticing landing page with a sleek menu for easy exploration. Discover a stunning creations showcase, presenting items with beauty and simplicity. Stay connected through the info section, offering insights into social media for a complete and engaging experience.

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Intro section with dropdown navigation

An intro section, highlighted by a sleek dropdown navigation menu. Effortlessly navigate through the available options for a user-friendly and intuitive exploration.

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Testimonials grid section

Elegance Testimonials Grid section, showcasing feedback in a beautifully organized and modern grid layout. Responsive design ensures a stunning display on every screen, providing a visually pleasing experience on any device.

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Quiz App

Enjoy a minimalist quiz app with three levels of simplicity. Select your preferred category, answer questions, and earn medals based on your score. A straightforward design ensures a user-friendly experience

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